What You Need to Know About TMJ Pain

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TMJ treatment in Mahogany

Do you know what the temporomandibular joint is? It is the articulation that connects the temporal bone of your skull to your jawbone. It is essential for the basic movements of our mouth, such as open and close, bite, chew, yawn, and more.

When there aren’t any abnormalities with it, it does not cause pain. On the contrary, you may think about TMJ disorder if you experience one of the following symptoms:

  • Painful jaw, neck, ear, or a combination of them
  • Pain in your face
  • A clicking sound when you open and close your mouth
  • Headaches
  • A ringing in your ear
  • Your jaw gets stuck as you try to open your mouth
  • Swelling in your jaw

These symptoms are painful, and you should look for TMJ treatment near you if you feel one or many of them.

If you want to know more about TMJ and its causes, keep on reading. We will provide you with the answers that you need and explain your options for receiving TMJ treatment in Mahogany.

Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

Among the causes of this syndrome, you may find the following:

  • A jaw or tooth injury
  • Contracture of your neck muscles
  • Arthritis
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching)
  • Stress
  • Trauma to the face

If you made it this far, now you know about the causes of TMD. They can cause severe pain in your jaw, teeth, face, neck, and ears. If untreated, you may not even be able to perform your small daily chores because it is a severe form of pain.

So, what can you do?

TMJ Treatment in Copperfield

If you are looking forward to visiting a dentist near you because you are experiencing TMD symptoms, they might recommend a combined treatment with the help of a chiropractor to alleviate your pain.

Here are some of the things that you can do:

Eat Soft Foods

Eating soft foods, such as avocado, yogurt, and scrambled eggs, will help you not to feel pain when you eat since you won’t have to stress your masticatory muscles.

Apply Ice Packs

Applying ice packs to your face on-and-off for ten minutes will help to reduce the swelling and alleviate your pain.

Use Warm Towels

Applying warm towels where it hurts will also reduce the pain of any TMJ syndrome symptoms.

Pain Medication

If the pain is too severe, you may take any over-the-counter painkiller, such as acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Also, you may ask a dental professional if you can take any muscle relaxants.

Visit a Chiropractor Near You

The right chiropractor will show you how to massage your TMJ and manipulate yours to loosen it for better motion.

Massage Your TMJ

As we mentioned above, manipulating your TMJ will improve its movement. Keep in mind that when you have TMJ disorder, your muscles are tense; therefore, massaging them is an excellent way to relax them.

Here are some exercises for massaging your temporomandibular joint:

  1. Relaxed Jaw – Place your tongue gently on your mouth’s roof, and slowly make your teeth come apart.

  2. Partial Opening – Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Next, place a finger in your jaw joint and another on your chin. After that, drop your mandible all the way and close. Make six sets of six repetitions each.

  3. Resisted Opening – Put your thumb below your chin. Open your mouth slowly while you apply pressure with your thumb to add resistance and hold the opening for five seconds.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our clinic. We have a team of professionals who will help you ease your TMD and improve your quality of life.